Medical Disclaimer

Effective: 2020 



The medical information in the Thrive Method Hub is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.  The information on this website does not exclude or take place of the need for regular check ups and consultations with your healthcare professional.


No information on this website should be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition.  


Seek the guidance of a trained medical professional for diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions, questions you might have with regards to information on our website and to see how and if you should incorporate any of the ideas provided. 


In addition, using this website or any products from this website means you acknowledge that you alone are responsible for your health decisions and that if any information here is used without proper medical guidance, you use this information at your own risk.


We do our best to ensure this information is accurate and reliable but cannot guarantee it is error-free and complete as science and health related information changes frequently but we will do our best to update this information as new information becomes available.