If you are or will be on Breast Cancer Hormone Therapies...

Learn how they work, natural strategies to decrease side effects and how to boost your prevention strategies.
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Access our on-demand 3 Day Masterclass recordings to learn about hormone therapies for breast cancer (including tamoxifen, letrozole, anastrozole, exemestane), natural strategies to improve their side effects and ways to lower recurrence risks. 

Here are the details:
  •  Cost: $111 + applicable taxes

    **Includes 30 minute Cancer Coaching Call (value $125) 

I discuss:

  • How hormone therapies for breast cancer work (including letrozole, anastrozole, exemestane, tamoxifen and herceptin)
  • How to help boost the effectiveness of these therapies
  • Common side effects  
  • Natural strategies to help improve these side effects (including hot flashes, bone health, etc)
  • Most commonly asked questions by my breast cancer patients (including soy and flaxseeds)
  • Strategies to help boost prevention strategies
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • and more...

What's included in this Masterclass:

  • 3 days of ~1 hour recordings: discussing breast cancer hormone therapies and how to thrive while on these therapies
  • 30 day access to recordings
  • Natural strategies I use with my patients and clients in my Femme Thrive Method post treatment cancer recovery program to help decrease side effects of these treatments and lower cancer risks
  • Covers "Hot" Questions from my patients like "is soy safe? what about flaxseeds?"
  • PLUS 
  • a 30 minute Cancer Coaching Call (value: $125) to answer some of your questions.  Please note: this is not a Naturopathic consult but an information session to help you feel more empowered.


Have questions? Email us at [email protected].

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More Details about the Masterclass

We've had over 100 women access this Masterclass and this is 

What some of the women loved...

"I learned so much from your sessions and wish I knew about you sooner. My Breast Cancer journey would have been completely different."

"I just wanted to share how much I loved your masterclass this week. It was so informative to learn about how hormone suppression meds work and how I can make lifestyle changes to maximize treatment. I feel more confident now than ever in terms of how I will approach my next oncology appointment...."

"Easy to understand explanation of how the hormone therapies work. Good balance of facts and cautions around supplements ( many struggle with not turning into Dr. Google-easy to do for a cancer survivor)."

"I loved learning why you do these strategies."

"Learning to ask the right questions to oncology (re occurrence risks with certain therapies)."

"I loved it all! Was great information I learned a lot to help me through my 3 years of breast cancer and the treatment. Thank you Dr Becky!"

"It gave real common sense information in a way that was easy to understand. I got a lot of information that I can follow through for myself."

"...was able to add to my knowledge of which was not known to me before like the hormone treatments."

"How informative it was and easy to understand."

"All topics that I had so many lingering questions have been answered. There has not been an area that has been untouched. Love your detail and your reference guides."

"You are very thorough with your information and I love the fact that you have research to back up your facts."

"I could listen when I had the time and replay if I wanted to hear something again."

"It was an at home course I could listen to on my lunch hour."

"Your presentation style is very soothing and informative."

"I loved learning about natural strategies for side effects."


Dr. Becky Lee Hons. BSc. ND

Dr. Becky ND is a board certified and licensed naturopathic doctor in Ontario Canada with a special focus in cancer prevention and survivorship.  She is the founder of the Femme Thrive Method program helping women recover and rebuild post treatments.  She is also a cancer coach, a cancer thriver of over 20 years (she was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma at the age of 16) and a mom of 3 beautiful girls.  She has worked with hundreds of cancer survivors over the last decade and is especially passionate about empowering women after active treatments (chemotherapy, radiation and surgery) to recover and reclaim their health and lower their risks for recurrence.