If you're a woman ready to take on your recovery head-on...this is for you.

I get what it's like to be a cancer survivor and be told you're free of cancer and then be sent off to the world to live a "normal" life. 

Except life doesn't feel normal.  

This is the part about survivorship we were never prepared for.

Being diagnosed is traumatic.

Being treated for cancer was difficult - but we expect that.

What totally blindsides a lot of us survivors is how hard it is to navigate life and our health after treatments are finished.

This is exactly why I created this program...

To help women go from feeling frozen or overwhelmed with what action to take... 

to truly thriving and being intentional with their health and life.  

Because I know what it's like to be CEO minded...wanting and needing to take control and take tangible action to live the life you desire. 

This program is a 12 week program to help you navigate how to:

  • Grow that Thrive Mindset and shift from feeling anxious to feeling more empowered.
  • Eat to thrive after cancer (what to include and how, what to reduce or eliminate, times not to eat, etc).
  • Getting that breakthrough health with proper exercise and sleep.
  • Living a detoxed life to optimize your health.
  • And so much more! 

Survivorship is for life.  Let's do this together.

Why your cancer recovery plan is so important...

What happens after treatment is just as, if not more, important as what happens during treatment.
This is the time to help your body rebuild and recover from the impact of treatments and importantly...
to work on the rebuilding best version of you.


This is the time to implement natural strategies to help:

  • decrease side effects of treatments like neuropathy, fatigue, joint pain, etc.
  • improve energy, sleep, metabolism, hormone balance, gut health, weight goals, etc.
  • reduce stress, chronic inflammation, pain, anxiety, overwhelm, etc.
  • boost your immune system (because it got a good kick during treatment)
  • decrease risks for late effects of treatments (ie. cancer treatments and other changes can put survivors at higher risks for heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc - being proactive is key to help minimize these risks)
  • boost your cancer prevention strategies

And help you feel more in control.

How you feel right now isn't where you have to stay. 

I know this was true for me and the women that have joined this program...

the important things you need in your survivorship are...

  • having a next step after treatments 
  • being able to feel excited for this next step of rebuilding (because often times finishing treatments can feel so anti-climatic and anxiety driven)
  • understanding the why behind the things you can do to boost your health (this helps drive motivation and empowerment)
  • getting evidence based information specific for women who are cancer survivors
  • having some form of continuous support/touch point
  • being able to ask questions and get timely answers from a cancer-focused health practitioner
  • knowing what to focus on (because it can get so confusing and overwhelming) 
  • getting resources and materials needed to take action (our program recipes are delicious, simple and nutrient dense!)
  • feeling more confident taking important steps for your health
  • feeling your best to help you do more of the things you love
  • building a life you adore

This program was built with all of these in mind to take you step by step through your recovery.

So you don't have to waste time, resources, and energy to do it on your own.

Find out more...
Book Your Discovery Call

Uplevel Your Health

This life after cancer stage is so important!  More than ever - we need to put our health first.

This program can be a jump-off point to help you reset your health, improve anxiety, energy, sleep, digestion, menopausal symptoms, side effects of treatments and your overall health. 

The healthy habits you build today are so important not only for today but for tomorrow too!

Step-by-Step Method

Take out the overwhelm, anxiety and hours on google!

Or feeling confused with what and where to start.

This step-by-step method goes through all the evidence-based fundamentals of health to help you thrive after cancer and boost your prevention strategies!

Learn about the why and what you can do to help optimize your health and decrease risks for cancer and other diseases!

Resources to Help You

Access to our program website, loads of recipes, "How to Guides" and so much more!  

All of this to give you the tools you need to successfully uplevel your health. 

You're committed to your health.

This program is here to provide you with what you need to get started now.

Did I mention we also have a mobile App to make it easier for you to access?

Support and Community

Access our members-only Facebook Community and our weekly community Thrive Calls to help support, answer questions, discuss more hot topics and create accountability.

We're more than just cancer and as women - there are many topics we cover that go beyond cancer to also optimizing our health in ways that matter!

1:1 option also available for those who want a higher level of support to help you reach your health goals.

What's included...

6 Modules to help you feel more empowered and in control with the evidence based information you need to move forward.


Module 1 | Thrive Mindset 

How to boost your stress resiliency, decrease stress responses and impact on our health including assessments and Thrive Ideas to incorporate daily.

Module 2 | Thrive Diet

Including what the research says regarding why diet matters, that type of diet can help survivors thrive beyond cancer and help decrease cancer risks and what foods to focus on.  Thrive Ideas include breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes that are nutrient dense, antiinflammatory, simple and delicious!

Module 3 | Havoc Causing Foods

Foods that may increase risks for cancer and also have a negative impact on how we feel daily.  We also discuss the truth about sugar and Thrive Ideas to help minimize its impact on our bodies.

Module 4 | Thrive Non Eating Times

Times we don't eat are just as important as the times we are.  We discuss what the research says here and Thrive Ideas on how to move forward with this knowledge

Module 5 | Exercise and Sleep

Why exercise is important, what types of exercise to focus on and how to boost circulation and lymphatic function (and why that's important too!).  We also discuss what may cause sleep issues and strategies to consider to help improve it to maximize on melatonin's anticancer power!

Module 6 | Thrive Detoxed Life

We discuss ways to boost the body's own detoxification processes AND simple ways to help decrease toxic exposures that can cause havoc and are linked to increasing cancer risk.

Bonus Modules

Including "Let's Talk About Supplements" - a module to discuss a few popular supplements I get asked about often and "Visceral Fat 101" and why that's important for inflammation, weight loss, insulin resistance, and cancer prevention.

Bonus Resources 

Including tracking sheets, 100's of recipes, food guides, how to guides and more!

Please note: this is not a static website.  Material is constantly changed or added with the goal to stay up-to-date with current research and to continue to provide empowerment, support materials and actionable ideas.

What other women have said about the Femme Thrive Method program

so you can see what's possible for you too...

"I feel in control, my mindset is positive and I now have a plan and the tools necessary to feel in control of my future!"

"I follow your Thrive daily. I am so happy I came upon you Becky. I would recommend the program to anyone. Even non-cancer patients could use this."

"I have a plan, a clear vision and path as to where I want to be with my body, my health and my mindset!"

"This program highlighted what I was already doing well, and it made the idea of change very palatable and manageable. I felt very capable of making the changes I needed to make. I also liked the balanced approach... it wasn't all or nothing, it was good information to make positive changes, but no guilt if I do have a piece of cake once in a while :)"

"Where do I even begin. I started off in in a very dark place very uncertain of the state of my mental, emotional and physical well being....The weekly topics were relevant, concise and informative. I liked the fact there is is ownership on our part to do the work as well. Starting off with the Thrive Mindshift for me was extremely beneficial....Now, I'm not only surviving but thriving indeed and I continue to follow what I have learned from the program. Thank you so much. I don't think I would have made it if not for this program."

"Because of your program, I learned to listen to my body and kinder as well by eating what my body needs. Believe it or not, I am now craving vegetables. Your program enabled me to see the holistic approach to better health. I know I have not grasped 100% of what is on the program that is why I keep coming back and listening to you and re-reading the modules."

"This was the best investment I have made in myself and my health!"

"I love that this course was one in one! I am a part of some other courses and even though it is nice to hear and relate to others stories I really wanted knowledge that was geared to my case so I thought the format of this program was perfect!"

"The program is one of the best investments I have made in my recovery. Being able to have the alumni option helps me stay focused and on track."

If you've already had a Discovery Call and are ready to get started...

Book Your Starter Call HERE
Hey there!  I'm Dr. Becky ND a...
  • Board Certified and Licensed Naturopathic Doctor 
  • Certified Cancer Coach 
  • Founder of the Femme Thrive Method program 
  • 12+ years of clinical experience with a special focus in cancer recovery and prevention
  • Cancer Thriver
  • Mom of 3 girls